IC 1848 - Soul Nebula
IC 1848 - Soul Nebula
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IC 1848 - Soul Nebula
Near Lindbrook, Alberta, Canada
RGB 38x4m, Ha 54x15m, total 21hr, 6min
NP101is, 0.8x Reducer, STF-8300M
A80Mf, LSX2, EQ8
The Soul Nebula is a large Ha emission nebula found in the constellation Cassiopeia. It’s very near the Heart Nebula (IC1805).
The catalog identifier 'IC 1805' appears to refer to both the nebula as well as the small cluster in the center left area of the image.

This image has the longest exposures I have taken to date. There's a little over 21 hours of exposure time and it was done over 4 nights.

Images of the Heart and Soul Nebulae
IC 1805 star cluster. Taken with a C8 SCT and a D90 DSLR camera
IC 1805 Star Cluster
IC1805 - The Soul Nebula. Taken with an NP101is refractor and an STF8300M CCD camera
Soul Nebula, RGB-Ha
IC8148 - The Heart Nebula. Taken with an NP101is refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
Heart Nebula, LRBG-Ha
IC1848 - The Heart Nebula. Monochrome hydrogen-alpha image taken with an NP101is refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
Heart Nebula, H-alpha
Full resolution JPEG Image
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