M74 - Galaxy in Pisces
M74 - Galaxy in Pisces
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M74 - Galaxy in Pisces
Blackfoot Staging Area, Alberta, Canada
ISO800, 11x4m, total 44m
NP101is, NEQ6, 60Da
Messier 74 is a spiral galaxy found in the constellation Pisces.
This is one of my earliest galaxy images. It was taken with my Televue NP101is, which is a great scope but its really meant for wide field work like clusters and large nebula. So the galaxy looks pretty small in this one.

The exposure time is also quite short, not even an hours worth. At the time I didn't really understand how important integration time is and was more interested in just getting an image. So this one does show the galaxy but it is rather gritty looking and compared to my current photos, it's quite low quality.

I want to retake this image at some point. I now have equipment more suitable for photopraphing this galaxy and would put in the hours needed for a good image. So, time and weather permitting a new version will eventually be on the site. Until then though, what you see is what you get.

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